Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Ethical Implications Of Genetic Engineering - 1811 Words
Genetic engineering holds the potential to allow humanity to solve countless problems in both our environment and within ourselves. Humans have been practicing one for of genetic engineering or another since prehistoric times and as technology as developed, we have increased our ability to make more targeted modifications. All of this potential isn’t without hidden dangers as the effects of our genetic manipulation of nature have yet to be fully realized and may never be. Should we continue on our course of exploration and discovery in the field of genetics? Should governments tightly restrict or outright prohibit any attempts at manipulating life on this planet? Maybe some balance of both? While there will always be risks involved in any procedure that involves the manipulation of an organism’s genome, the potential benefits have almost limitless possibilities. Governments should allow experimentation in genetic engineering for the betterment of mankind while also main taining oversight to ensure potentially deadly consequences can be mitigated. Humans have been domesticating and thereby genetically manipulating their foods since at least ten thousand years ago with the domestication of wheat (Hirst). Taking place in the Middle East, this artificial selection most likely started as an observation of which wheat plants took longer for their hulls to open and then selecting grains from those plants to plant again. By selecting for the plants that took longer to open, thisShow MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Animals : Genetic Engineering1518 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction In this research paper on gene technology I hope to share some understanding in the process of gene transfer in animals, the process of obtaining genetically engineered animals, and analyze the social and moral implications associated with this gene technology in animals. 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Whereas cloning produces genetically exact copies of organisms, genetic engineering refers to processes in which scientists manipulate genes to create purposefully different versions of organismsâ€â€and, in some cases, entirely new living things†, duplication of genetic cells is known as human cloning. Development of genetic engineering biotechnologies undermines the natural autonomy of life. Does genetic engineering interfere withRead MoreThe Global Responsibility Of Recognizing Pandora s Box1124 Words  | 5 Pagestantalized with the risks and possible benefits of what lies behind, between, beyond. Growingly, skeptics vocalize their fear of opening a Pandora’s Box of new technologies and the ethical and ecological disturbances that might ensue. In global debates we seek to answer the question: when has technology and engineering gone too far? 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
“Whoso List To Hunt†by Francesco Petraca and Sir Thomas...
â€Å"Whoso List To Hunt†â€Å"Whoso List to Hunt†was originally written in Italian by Francesco Petraca. In the 1500s Sir Thomas Wyatt had translated the original piece into an English form of an Petrarchan sonnet. Most love poems written in the Renaissance era are about the love of a man for a beautiful, unattainable woman. A good poet is a person who uses words efficiently, effectively, and gracefully which is just what Wyatt does. He uses words to help the reader learn the message sent throughout the poem, which in this case is his love for Anne Boleyn. A good poet knows how to convey the reader in the best way they can and by doing this they must have good structure and content included in their poems. A sonnet is a well constructed poem†¦show more content†¦There are two different parts of the Petrarchan sonnet, the first 8 lines being the octave and the final six is known as the sestet. In most sonnets the octave consists of the situation while the se stet describes the situations change. Sonnets are written with many symbols, metaphors, and allusions, and each of these are shown in â€Å"Whoso List to Hunt.†A poets usage of literary terms is helpful for the reader to interpret the poem. Metaphors, and allusions are both shown in this poem. A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a comparison is made between two unlike things that actually have something in common. The metaphor in â€Å"Whoso List to Hunt†is the hunter and the hind. The poem says â€Å"Whoso list to hunt I know where is a hind but as for me helas, I may no more.†This compares the hunter to be the man searching for the unattainable woman, such as a hunter is chasing down a deer. A allusion is often used to summarize complex emotions or ideas in one image. The allusion in this poem is the hunter, which from the metaphor we learn is a man, is actually Thomas Wyatt. The hind, which is the unattainable woman is Anne Boleyn. Wyatt was in love with Anne Boleyn and had been chasing after her for awhile, after he learned he didn’t have a chance with her he interpreted his situation into the poem. We learn from the beginning of the poem that it was going to be about two
Monday, December 9, 2019
Interpersonal Relationships Communication Skills Development
Question: Discuss about the Interpersonal Relationships : Communication Skills Development. Answer: Introduction: The most likely cause of the issues in the workplace is the poor organizational culture. The culture of an organization is important as it enriches the interpersonal relationships (Arnold Boggs, 2015). It also motivates the employees to perform better. Hence, it is important to improve the organizational culture which would reduce the employee conflicts. Identification of possible solutions There can be three possible solutions which would be helpful in enhancing the organizational culture. The first solution is to implement transparency in the organization. The employees should be given an unfiltered insight of main operations of the company (Schnackenberg Tomlinson, 2016). It would make sure that the employees have authoritative voice in the management. It would also make the employees trust the organization. If the employees are aware of the fact that the organization is there to support them, there would be a reduction in the conflicts. This is one of the most important planning component which is embedded in the organizational culture. The organization should adopt clear channels of communication to implement transparency in the organization (Schnackenberg Tomlinson, 2016). There should be efficient and easy flow of communication between the members of the organization. This should be used to share success, share challenges and others. The second solution is to modify the company leadership which address the issue of diversity in a proper way. The diversity of the workforce should be used as a way to identify, develop and advance the talent rather than viewing it as a cause of conflict in the workplace (Madera, Dawson Neal, 2017). The leaders of the organization should be aware of the fact that they need to build accountability of the system and should adopt employee engagement activities. The managers should be motivated so that they can better manage the workforce and create an enriching work environment. The cultural differences in a diverse workforce should be addressed properly and mutually benefitting organizational polices should be formulated (Madera, Dawson Neal, 2017). The organizational culture should focus on the creation of a work environment which identifies the clear job role of the employees and identifies their unique value in the workplace. If the employees feel valued then they would be having cordial relationships with their colleagues as well as the organization as a whole. The third solution involves the analysis of the internal organizational culture with the help of SWOT analysis. The strengths, weakness, opportunities and threat of the organizations would help the managers to determine the current situation of the organization and how it can be improved (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). It is also helpful in determining the organizational areas which are beneficial or harmful from an organizational perspective. The identification of organizational weaknesses would give the organization an opportunity to convert them into strengths. The analysis of the organizational opportunities would help the organization in deciding their courses of action (Hill, Jones Schilling, 2014). This would help the organization to set up systems that enhance the current state of the organizational culture. Environmental factors There are several environment factors that affect the organizational culture and may also affect the solutions which are intended to improve it. The competitors can influence the organizational culture (Hogan Coote, 2014). A positive organizational culture in a competitors company can influence the cultural aspects of the host company. The customers can also influence the present growth, operations and the sustainability of the organization (Stevens Johnson, 2016). The political condition may cause a hindrance in the leadership process in the organization. The disturbing political situation may also cause an issue in managing the organizational culture. This would also hamper the focus of the senior management in dealing with the issue of organizational culture (Hogan Coote, 2014). The external environment factors have a significant influence on the enriching culture of the organization. Most appropriate solution The second solution should be implemented for improving the organizational culture and the behaviour of the employees in the organization. There should be effective leadership which would be given topmost priority. The leadership would be considered as important factor in addressing the issue of workplace diversity. There should be focus on enriching the interpersonal relationships that would maximise the organizational productivity. The senior management would also be instrumental in devising employee friendly policies which would be beneficial for the organization. This would also increase the productivity of the organization and the organization would be able to achieve its vision. This would also be able to improve the competitive position of the company. References Arnold, E. C., Boggs, K. U. (2015).Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses. Elsevier Health Sciences. Hill, C. W., Jones, G. R., Schilling, M. A. (2014).Strategic management: theory: an integrated approach. Cengage Learning. Hogan, S. J., Coote, L. V. (2014). Organizational culture, innovation, and performance: A test of Schein's model.Journal of Business Research,67(8), 1609-1621. Madera, J. M., Dawson, M., Neal, J. A. (2017). Managers psychological diversity climate and fairness: The utility and importance of diversity management in the hospitality industry.Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality Tourism,16(3), 288-307. Schnackenberg, A. K., Tomlinson, E. C. (2016). Organizational transparency: A new perspective on managing trust in organization-stakeholder relationships.Journal of Management,42(7), 1784-1810. Stevens, G. C., Johnson, M. (2016). Integrating the Supply Chain 25 years on.International Journal of Physical Distribution Logistics Management,46(1), 19-42.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Time Changes Everything Essay Research Paper Time free essay sample
Time Changes Everything Essay, Research Paper Time Changes Everything Throughout clip, with engineering, higher acquisition, and new innovations things have a inclination to alter. Our roads, ways of life, and communities have changed over clip. A little town that may hold been productive may non be now because of the alterations. From our surveies we have learned about how farms, edifices, and transit have changed into disregarded history. Some of the things that are forgotten are farms that are large, likely used to be bigger. Old roads and bridges become new, general shops in little towns or communities become rundown and some wantonness. These shops become rundown and abandon because there is now Wal-Mart and K-Mart that replace these general shops of the yesteryear. That is why I feel it was bound for Route 66 to be replaced. I believe if Route 66 is the female parent of all roads in America it is because the talk of it being the female parent of American roads. We will write a custom essay sample on Time Changes Everything Essay Research Paper Time or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If it wasn T for people going Route 66, and coming back place, and stating their friends about it the route would hold neer truly known as that type of major route. I have to inquire the inquiry ; would we cognize about Route 66 if people didn T state us about it. Of class there are other things, like the sites that you can see by going across the state. At the tallness of Route 66 s travel it was the chief main road to the West. Some of the things that attracted people to Route 66 the thought of the route is it will ever intend traveling someplace. ( Pg. 27, Route 66 ) Another thought is if you have a fast auto, a seashore to make, and a adult female at the terminal of the route. ( Pg.26, Route 66 ) You can state that Route 66 is the female parent route because it was the first route to utilize one-mile intervals to allow you cognize how far you had to travel. There are many other things that make Route 66 the Page 2 female parent of American roads. I feel that what I have found are the strongest grounds that make Route 66 what it was and is know to be thought of today. It set the criterions for all roads or main roads across American. There are more roads in America besides Route 66. Normal roads like the state roads and metropolis streets are these other roads that can take you to tonss of new topographic points. If Toequeville was to go down the roads we go down this semester. He would say that there is now a difference in the societal category unlike when he foremost came to America. If you are hapless, you look hapless, and if you are rich, you look rich. However, in America anyone can raise up above what of all time their present state of affairs is or that they were born into. You choose whether you want to be rich or hapless. You make your life what you want it to be in America. I think he would hold understood what we talked about in Lexington. We talked about how what is new to us now will be old and disregarded, merely like we forgot about what was new to our parents. It is now old, and that means there will ever be alteration. One twenty-four hours person will replace the Wal-Mart s and K-Mart s. This will go on because of engineering. With new engineering, we might look to populate simple, but it will be a hi-tech simple life. Everything will be in are reach by computing machines. Kunstler would state that Route 66 proves that America will alter for the better, but that America will keep on to the old. Even though the old is replaced by the new. We still keep on to the old, like we hold on to autos made 50 old ages ago or older. I m non certain how he would compose this paper. I feel that it would be wrote in same manner, the same things that I have written about he would hold with. Kunstler said that autos unfastened infinite far beyond Page 3 the metropolis bounds ( pg. 89 ) I feel that this is what Route 66 did for our state, and that he would experience the same manner. We care about Route 66 because this route is America. You see different people, topographic points, and civilizations this is America. No affair what route you may take it is America and you will happen different people, topographic points, civilizations, and a different narrative each clip you go someplace that is different. We need to see Route 66 because it is apart of our history that shouldn T be forgotten. The topographic points we have gone to see this semester so far have been topographic points that have been forgotten, or have things that have been forgotten. Like when we visited Amity Hill Rd. it is more than probably non remembered for being a chief travel route to acquire to Salisbury or that the old school that now houses people used to be a all black school during segregation. We need to retrieve what used to be, so we can cognize how we got to where we are now, and cognize how we got what we have now. 336
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